Just these days I had the chance to taste this green paste ... called wasabi.
Im telling you when you put just a little bit in your mouth ... in just one second
it will take place this massive explosion, it activates all the taste buds and all this craziness happens in your mouth, then all that feeling go's up to your nose and it makes you cry but in the same time you enjoy that amazing feeling.
My friends with whom i spent my last 2 - 3 months are just like WASABI, in just one second they managed to spice up every singe day of mine with lots of craziness amazing moments, and happiness.
Unfortunatly just like the wasabi, after you get to know that feeling, after all that amazing craziness happens in your mouth .. in 10 seconds it will simply disappears, ... remaining only the enthusiasm, the feeling in your mind and heart.
So, thank you Kelsey, Natalia, Reiko, Alex and Misaky for all the energy and craziness you gave me in these few months.