There is just one thing that I hate the most in this world…( what? )
I never had the chance to go abroad to visit another country, always from the same reason, one reason only……( what? )
So I said: ,,If I cannot visit the world, I will bring the world to me ‘’ and this is the most beautiful thing AIESEC gave to me.
I couldn’t visit the world, but AIESEC brought the world to me, so I visited more than 16 countries from all around the world.
1. Hong Kong ( Ken Chung )
2. Singapore ( Galvin Widjaja )
3. India ( Nakul , Chin , Tanyia, Tanaya )
4. Vietnam ( Linh )
5. New Zeeland ( Nathan, Will )
6. Serbia ( Sabina )
7. Georgia ( Nana )
8. Turkey ( Ece )
9. Armenia ( Davit )
10. Ukraine ( Helen )
11. Japan ( Taka Nori )
12. Sweden ( Daniel Lumpman )
13. Pakistan ( Wesam )
14. Nigeria ( Akim, Rene, Kalvin )
15. Moldavia ( Irina )
16. Egypt ( Shams )
17. Croatia
18. England
19. Denmark
I never put my foot in non of these countries, but I saw all of them, trough the people who are now my friends, trough the people that I met in AIESEC.
Now, today, I have the chance to show Romania, to one of these countries, cause this time I’m going for real abroad, this time I'm going in Exchange.
Food and accommodation is free, so all I have to do is to make my bag and go….i can wait!
I suggest you, to Explore the World trough Exchange.
My friends from all around the world
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