vineri, 1 martie 2013

A letter from the future ME...

Hey there, probably none is reading my blog anymore, i didn't write from a long long time... anyhow ..

Amazing how my life is changing day by day......

It was not so many years ago,
22 years in fact
when i started to walk
when i made my first steps.

It was an easy life back then,
God, was my Mam and Dad
All I had to do, is smile to them,
and I had the entire world in my hand.

Then, I have this blank in my had
And suddenly im 5,
and im smoking my first cigarette
which is a stamp, left it by my dad

I don't remember to much
I think im lost
my dad got drunk
and he forget me again,
in this strange place
I don't know how to go back.

I was operated 2 times
Syringe is my friend
I had mumps, scarlet fever, chickenpox, smallpox
all kind of illness from year1 to age 6.

I am 7 now
I have a new home
Things are going better now
I have a lot of friends
I even have a brother
Who is a pain in my ass.

Age 7 im crazy about this cute girl 
Age 8 i got my firs love letter 
Age 10 going to a different school 
leaving all my friends. 
Age 15 going to highschool

Age 16 having my first kiss
Age 17 I am inlove
Age 18 Im getting dumped by the girl who i loved
Age 19 my best friend died in my hand 

If you think
that my dad is the negative character in this story   
You are wrong 
He is my hero.

My mom and dad 
sacrifice their past 20 years of freedom.
of free time
To give me what i want

They don't know the meaning of the words :
,,holiday, sea side, another country, that the world is big and amazing''
Cause they never lived this words,
They've quit about those words 
to give me what i want
And still sometimes i don't show them respect. 

Choosing your faculty its an important step
That what everyone says
I wasn't that lucky
I couldn't choose
The faculty chose me
I couldn't afford what i really wanted to have.

Age 20 I'm finshing my first year of faculty
with no failed exams 
with a scholarship in my hand.

Then I joined AIESEC
the best 3 years in my life.
I couldn't afford what i wanted 
But AIESEC gave it to me ... FOR FREE

Now, im in my least year of faculty,
Four years have past,
Looking in front
With a lot of confidence
Knowing that im gonna do my best
and have SUCCESS !

But no there always has to be someone , something
to fuck up my head.
They failed me again
on their precious exams
I can even hear them
,, I failed one student again''

Well I don't care
fuck them.

I had my chance
To finally have success
in an international work experience
but no it didn't happen
they didn't accepted me
because im a Romanian

Well I don't care
fuck them to
I am proud of who I am.

For the 7th time in a row
Im just the guy
with who the girl cheated on his boyfriend.
I cannot fall in love again.

For the 7th year in a row
I get to know these people
Who became my best friends

They make me smile
They change my life
Than they leave...and I never see them again

Today im writing these words
Remembering about the past
Complaining about the present
Thinking about my future...

Then  I'v got this letter:

And its say's :

,,Hey Adi

Its me YOU .. Adi ...
Im writing you form the future
Don't worry
Don't complain
Love even if they don't love you back

Call now mom and dad
tell them I love you
and thank you for everything.
If NOT, you will regret it.

You will fail so many times,
but hey, dont worry,
You will have succes
believe me, Im there.

Hey, go and have your time,
Live every moment
Even that not everything is perfect for you
Feel happy

In an and it will be good ,
You will have an amazing family
A job that you love
Surrounded by people which will love you back.

Have faith,
Fight for what you want
Cause you will end-up in a great place
With great people.

I am proud of you,
Your future YOU. ''

I hate money!

I hate money!

I hate money because it can take someones life away.

I hate money because it can take someones dream away.

I hate money because it's the only thing that make problems in my family.

I hate money because it's one of the strongest reason which make people happy.

I hate money because it's one of the strongest reason which make people getting angry, sad, crazy, mad, argue with each other.

I hate money because in an end everything depends on it.

F**k all the money in the world!

Why am I reading the same book again?

Im reading for the 7th time in 7 years this big big book, it takes 2, 3 or more months to finish it...the beginning of the book is exiting, childish but also tough. After you finish the first part, this amazing adventure starts, i love it so much, every time im reading it .. has new adventures in it... new craziness... , you know, I could stop at this part and read it on and on and on... but its not possible you always need to finish the book.

The characters of this book are not like the part with the adventures, the part which has something new every time im reading it... they do have different names and they look different each time I read the book, but there is one thing that remains the same all the time... they have the same personality's, same way of thinking , they like the same music, they have the same beliefs and the same way of living life... its just awesome... cause I love their personality.

As I said in the previous part, you need to finish the book even that you have a favorite part in it, after the big adventures, the great moments, funny moments... the book comes to an end... and the last pages are not that happy, or funny anymore... actually I hate it so much, in specially the last pages, the ending ... that I could just take it apart the book, burn it, trow it away... it makes me angry, its to sad, it makes me feel bad. Even that I know all the steps, about what will happen next in the book, i know how is it gonna end, i know its gonna end sad and depressive, im gonna get angry ... still im reading it again and again... I still don't know why.

Today im reading the last pages of this book again, knowing how it will end but.... in a stupid way im hoping that maybe this time the book will end in a different way.

This book is'not really a book, made from papers and words, its written by actions, has real adventures, peoples, unbelievable moments and when the book is finished its made of memories.

I am living the same book on and on again.

The book takes 2, 3 or months to read it because those characters that i was telling you about are appearing soddenly in my life  and after 2,3 or more month, simple as that they disappear and never see them again,all it will remain, are some great memories of amazing people and awesome adventures.

For the last 7 years my best friends, people, that I always wanted to have them near me all the time, they come into my life and then we are having this amazing time, fun, adventures, ...they change my life... and they just simply go back from where ever they came from... its like someone have send them to change my life, to make me a better and happier person, and after finish their job, they go back  and so far I haven't meet them again.

I dont know why i just wrote this down, maybe because im getting close to the last pages again, im just hoping this book will have a totally different end... even if i know it wont ... but im stupidly hoping again...

Traieste fiecare clipa

Sunt momente, in care simtim ca nu avem nici un chef de viata,
fara nici un motiv, doar stam si ne plangem de mila.

Eu va safatuiesc sa va traiti fiecare clipa din vaita la MAXIM !!!

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Friends for a life time...

I was talking in the previous article that there are these people that come into my life, they change it and after that they disappear... well I was wrong!

They dont disappear... they are still living in my mind, in my heart and I have a feeling that I live in their heart to,
because I just received a phone call from my friends from India, who I haven't seen for more than 1 year...and just today... my mom called me that I got a package from Istanbul, I still don't know from who... but this proves that those people, my friends, even if they are not next to me, they are still changing my life day by day... they make me happy.

Thank you so much.

Above everything

Dear GOD,

I would like to have so many things in my life,
There are so many things that I need in this moment,
There are so many things my family need's in this moment,
Only in this second billion of wishes fly's up to the sky,
Only in this second billion prays fly's up to heaven,
You have them all in front of your eye's.

Above everything, above all those wishes...and need's
I want only one thing ... You to forgive my sins,
Cause if tonight wile im sleeping
You will come back after your people
I want to be among them,
So pleas forgive my sins,
Cause i want to spend my eternal life in heaven.

Above every things that i need, i want ...
Just Your forgiveness ,
This is the only thing im asking from You.

In the name of Jesus Christ,
Who died on the cross,
For my sins,
So i can have an eternal life,
Im asking You in His name
to listen my pray.


Crazzy Monkey

Cel mai nebun si pervers maimutoi pe care lam vazut in viata mea.

Trebuie vazut filmuletul asta :))

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Timpul nu se mai intoarce

...n-ai avut niciodata impresia ca lumea te lasa in urma, de unul singur, in timp ce o ia inainte?...senzatia ca, pe masura ce te uiti in jur, fiecare unghi al camerei in care esti se ingusteaza?...convingerea ca, peste noapte, hainele ti sau invechit, ca fiecare oglinda iti ofera imaginea unui spectacol jucat fara nici un spectator, in care actorul e propria-ti mizerie...Iar gandul ca nu iubesti pe nimeni si ca nimic nu te iubeste, gandul ca acest nimic va fi chiar vidul propriei tale existente nu tea bantuit - alungandu-ti orice sentiment de bine - nici-odata?....

E timpul de o schimbare.....

What would you do?

What would you do if you would find out you have less than 1 day to live?

I would call my dad and mom, and tell them I love you and thank you for all the good you have done for me, and to apologize that I made their life difficult.

I would call all my friends, loved ones, tell them they are the best people on this earth and thank them for all the good moments they gave in this life; they made my life to be a beautiful one.

I would fall in love if I could, and I would hug that person, and kiss her, and tell her that she is the most beautiful girl on the planet.

I would go and live every second of my day, do things I have never done before, smile all the time.

But the real question is …. Why do we need a reason like this…to die… to do all this?